French Office Assistant job in Canada


French Office Assistant job in Canada. Tired of searching of job in Canada? MCGILL UNIVERSITY Company has published a French Office Assistant job offers a salary package of CAD 20-25 per hour for the French Office Assistant job position.

Connectez-vous à votre compte McGill Workday et postulez à cette affichage en utilisant le rapport Find Jobs (tapez Find Jobs dans la barre de recherche). Hospitality and student housing assistance service

Welcome guests and students under the supervision of your immediate superior. They should be able to supply details about the University’s administrative operations and programs. Tasks include answering phones, dealing with mail and photocopies, and collating and filing paperwork.
Functions and primary responsibilities:

Job Title:

  • French Office Assistant

Salary French Office Assistant job:

  • CAD 20-25 per hour

Job Duties and Summary:

  • Provide telephone and email responses to inquiries from students and clients.
  • Manage the arrival and departure of customers and students.
  • Obtain a bank balance
  • Provides travel and directions information, handles and confirms reservations.
  • Maintains all lines of communication and handles all service and emergency calls.
  • Competence in handling multiple responsibilities at once and in clearly conveying and receiving information (orally and in writing).
  • Capable of working well with others
  • Ability to safely and efficiently evacuate the building in the event of an emergency.
  • Diverses tâches de bureau et toutes autres tâches connexes.
  • Familiarity with both French and English is a plus. As an English-language institution, daily life at McGill often necessitates both oral and written communication in the language.

Last date to apply:

  • March 12, 2024
Applying Criteria
  • Follow the given method and apply accordingly.
  • This company is seeking competent and hardworking employees.
  • Press “Apply” at the bottom and apply directly.

Follow the link to learn about more exciting job possibilities.

  • Canada


Job Overview
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